The Going Around The Corner Workbook can be used by an individual for personal study or in a small group / workshop setting.  Our team can come and lead a one-day workshop to jump-start your group, or you can easily lead your own group through the study.  A Leader's Guide is available if needed.  Here's what some of our workshop attendees and local pastors are saying.

Our church has been challenged and equipped through the vision of Around The Corner Ministries. The concept is so simple we almost overlook it. God wants us to reach out to our neighbors, build relationships with them, then use those relationships as a bridge to share the Gospel. I have had Todd share with the entire church in our three Sunday morning services. He has spoken and encouraged the men’s group in a special setting. ATCM also has led six weeks of training for our people where they were given practical ideas and equipped to share Jesus with their neighbors. Cold turkey visitation is not well received in our day. The best way to reach people is through relationships. ATCM is a God-given and effective way to train God’s people in building those Gospel relationships with their neighbors.
— Steve Scoggins, Pastor, First Baptist Church Hendersonville
Around the Corner Ministries has been a blessing to me, personally, as well as to our church.  More than two dozen recently attended a six week study, and all of us came away with a renewed desire to love the Lord and be aware of what He is doing in the lives of others.  Todd teaches straight from the Scriptures, and he and Sheila personally model what they preach.  Each session was a time of encouragement with practical application assigned.  I am grateful for how God continues to use what we learned to help us be intentional about sharing the gospel with those He has put around us.
— Brian Proctor, Missions Pastor (First Baptist Church, Hendersonville, NC)

“Going Around The Corner: Taking the Gospel to Every Neighborhood in America” is a wonderful Bible study. The study takes you through God’s initial calling on your life, the awareness and obligation we have to evangelize those around us right where we live, how to start conversations and bring the lost to the Lord, and ending with the responsibility we have to disciple new believers. So many studies today bring you the author’s ideas with Scripture to back them up. Not this study. You will actually open your Bible and be led systematically to passages reading what God has to teach you through His Word. There is no doubt this study can bring revival to your own heart, your church, and your community.
— Richard Jelly, Pastor (Brevard Wesleyan, Brevard, NC)
When we heard that our church was offering a class on how to witness to your neighbors, we signed up immediately.  We were extremely frustrated because  we felt like failures in our attempts to reach our neighborhood with the Gospel. For over eighteen years we were making no difference.  The very first class opened our eyes of understanding. God is responsible to change hearts, not us. We are responsible to meet our neighbors’ needs as God reveals them. As we prayed, God showed us what to do. We are to start with neighbors of peace and build friendships. Find other believers in the neighborhood to join us in praying for our lost neighbors. We had none and prayed for God to send some. Two other believers just moved onto our street. We are practicing how to share our story and the Gospel and are praying for opportunities to do so with lost neighbors. Our self-guilt is gone and we are confident God will open doors and hearts. Todd and Sheila have put together an easy to read and follow strategy to reach your neighborhood for Christ in their book “Going Around The Corner.” Their class covers all the details. We highly recommend both.
— Bill & Gail (Hendersonville, NC)
Last fall we invited ATCM to come for four Sunday-nights to share this outreach approach. First of all, the church had a blast. Todd was both energetic and engaging. The information was Biblically-based and was easy to understand. The key is it focuses on one’s own neighborhood. Biblically speaking, our community is our field! The rest is simple. We get out in our neighborhood, prayer for our neighbors, get to know then in a casual, non-confrontational way; we develop relationships with them, often helping them with any need, and we do all this to earn the right to show and share the Gospel. Working with a “person of peace” we create a community of believers in our own backyard and grow together. This model of evangelism is most relevant to the culture we live in today. ATCM builds on the process each week as they equip us to do what should be “natural” to the Christian. There is plenty of time for Q&A’s and even some role-playing to help train us in the Great Commission. Our church is excited about what we have learned. Every Christian has a story to tell and this book and class energized us to do just that. Whether you have a big or small church, I would recommend that you contact ATCM today and set up a time for them to come and share this exciting approach to Matthew 28:18-20. Lifestyle evangelism works! If your church is looking to add a spark of excitement and wants to motivate your people to “get out and share the Gospel” then “Going Around The Corner” is for you!
— Clark Henderson, Pastor (Newbridge Baptist, Asheville, NC)
This six-week study has helped me renew my desire to engage with those who live around me. The study’s design is easy to read and understand. Each day has a specific focus with relating scripture and questions. I have been challenged to look at scripture in ways that I hadn’t before. The questions in the study helped me go below the surface level of just reading God’s word and search for deeper meaning. I love that each day ended with a prayer focus that helped me talk to God about what I had just learned. Do you believe that God had a hand in placing you where you currently live? If so, this study will help you discover His purposes for placing you there. I definitely recommend this study for individuals or small groups that want to find practical ways to impact their community.
— Tina H.
Around the Corner Ministries offers a fresh call to the church to return to doing in our own neighborhoods what we send missionaries around the world to do - take the gospel to the lost. Their book is biblical and based on Todd & Sheila’s personal experience in their own neighborhood. It is not only a must read but also an example to follow!
— Jim Russell, Missions & Outreach Pastor (Brushy Creek Baptist, Taylors, SC)
This book was used in a life group setting which was an easy read, offered practical applications, and most important was a guide to spiritual growth. It’s presentation challenges each of us to see our neighbors and co-workers as a mission field. The practical steps presented help you see ways to get to know your neighbors, develop relationships, and present the gospel. Many people are nervous about presenting the gospel, but this book gives very easy steps to “share your own story” as you share God’s story. A definite book for your own library or as a group study.
— Mike W., Retired Pastor & Small Group Leader
The book was very good. It opened my eyes to opportunities to pray for and with others that had not crossed my mind before reading. I am very shy and cautious about approaching people but there are some helpful tips to be active and patient for the right timing. I also loved realizing how God plans to put us places. The job I didn’t get is just part of His plan to put me where I can be a light for Him. Great inspiration. I have been praying for people all over whether I know them or not.
— Ashley S.
This book changed my perspective about my neighbors in a much-needed way!  I learned foremost that they are “God’s harvest” (not mine) - which was a transfer of ownership and responsibility that brought me great peace.  Also, I learned that I needed to always seek to understand His heart for them first. This understanding could only be gained through more intentional time in prayer for my neighbors. The Lord kept telling me throughout this study - “Heart prep THEN mindset” - meaning that He wanted to change my thoughts but first needed to change my heart. And that my heart needed to follow HIS HEART for my neighbors so that I could discern ways to reach THEIR HEARTS-  FOR HIM. I began praying in ways that the book asked and saw God work mightily!!!  As I prayed for opportunities to connect, love, and do good deeds for certain neighbors, God would put them directly in my path (often in surprising ways!). As I prayed for God to send me someone to prayer walk with, God connected me to a co-worker with the same desire who I didn’t even know lived in my neighborhood. That co-worker in turn connected me to her friends in the neighborhood who were already prayer walking on their own but wanted others to join them. From those connections, we developed a monthly neighborhood prayer group to pray for each other and for our neighbors (and sometimes it’s the same neighbor we pray for as God connects us to them individually first! :)  I have been so thankful to see God open up doors for deeper relationships with my neighbors as I have opened my heart, mind, and day to His ways as the book has encouraged me to.  I highly recommend this study to all I meet!  Unlike many evangelism books, it focuses on a relational approach and conversational evangelism. I have seen this approach work as my chances to talk about Christ in my life naturally overflow out of the depth of my relationship with my neighbors (which now have become closer friends).  I am forever changed from reading this book. Thank you, Todd and Sheila, for your transformational teaching that was certainly God-inspired! 
— Trish L.
Todd and Sheila Alewine are a Godly couple who have devoted their lives to the mission of the church and the Great commission. Their ministry and life of service to the work of God makes their book, Going Around the Corner, a vital source for anyone interested in reaching their neighborhood with the Gospel of Christ. The book helps Christians learn to see their neighborhood and work environment as a mission field and also helps Christians learn to pray for the neighborhood and for partners in reaching the community. Going Around the Corner is a practical guide and source that simplifies the task of discipleship and makes discipleship in the power and strength of God understandable and doable in the community.
— Scott Thompson, V.P. Academic Affairs (Fruitland Bible College)